Триста лет ничего не писал, хотя, как понимаю сейчас, да и как понимал некоторое время перед этим, что-то написать надо. Хотя, наверное, не надо - а просто было бы неплохо.
Пожалуй, главной движущей силой для написать для меня явились те книги, которые я читал и читаю сейчас. Прочитал две книги рассказов Гришковца. Пока читал вторую, дико захотелось еще раз прочесть Пелевина. Получаю удовольствие.
Даже пару раз мелькала мысль, а не написать ли литературное произведение? Но, еще раз проанализировав, о чем пишут те же Гришковец и Пелевин, понял, что ну нету у меня такого жизненного опыта, чтобы я имел право о чем-либо писать! Нет, ну, блог, письмо другу, в аське трёп - это всегда пожалуйста! Но что-то более того... нет.
Сегодня наконец пошел дождь. Ранее, в детстве, я вел календарь погоды (хотя точно не помню, как я это называл). Каждый день я утром, днем и вечером фиксировал погоду: температуру, осадки, облачность и прочие явления, если таковые были. Сейчас вспомнил, что когда я забросил это дело, буквально через... ну, не знаю, возможно, несколько месяцев, а, возможно, и на следующий год начались бурные атмосферные явления - сильные грозы, я бы даже сказал, бури, едва ли не ураганы. Помню, папа мне тогда сказал, мол, жаль, что ты забросил вести погоду - такие интересные события останутся не зафиксированными. Теперь я понимаю, что как раз тогда начал меняться климат - это называют глобальным потеплением, хотя в иные зимы можно было говорить о глобальном похолодании.
Так вот, в этом году такое жаркое лето! (с) Сплин. Давненько такого не было. А точнее - последний раз такое пекло было ровно пять лет назад. Помню точно, т. к. тогда в последний раз приезжал школьный друг из-за границы. Было +40, я пил
пиво, мне говорили, мол, будет хреново от пива в такую жару, но хреново мне не было, а было очень хорошо. После того лета не были настолько жаркими, до вот этого, нынешнего, лета.
Хотя начиналось все довольно холодно, что даже зафиксировано в этом блоге. В июне было иногда совсем уж +16, дожди... Короче, лето задерживалось. Задерживалось для того, чтобы в августе испепелить землю зноем. Собственно, зной для августа - тоже не совсем привычное дело. Обычно это прерогатива июля.
А сегодня пошел дождь. Дождей не было, наверное, с месяц. Причем, последние дожди было довольно-таки апокалиптичны. А сегодня вот с утречка идет, прерываясь, такой себе вполне весенне-осенний спокойный дождик. И сердце радуется. Ну наконец-то!
Зато могу себе представить, как я буду проклинать такую унылость осенью...
25 August, 2008
Засохший зонтик
Posted at 13:28 0 comments
24 July, 2008
Once There Was a Way to Get Back Homeward
Met classmates lately. Drank a pack of juice, because I don't drink alcohol.
Last time I drank it was on boss's birthday, it was a hot May day and I drank wine (which is not emulator, apparently). Realized that in Summer there's no place for alcohol drinks stronger than beers because it is all the same hot and those drinks don't fresh at all. And I don't drink beer as well since I didn't enjoy it last time. So I'm on a non-alcoholic diet :) Not to mention the fact that I drive almost every day.
It is because of the heat that lasts a week and my parking place is in the open place, so I take my car every day and park it in the shadows.
Even bought a sunscreen to put on the windscreen from inside of the car, but it appeared to be small so the piece of windscreen is not "covered". Gonna try to buy a bigger sunscreen.
So, I park my car under the trees now but I'm anxious of falling branches and chestnuts. Parked twice, but fortunately not a single branch or chestnut have fall yet.
On the opposing side of the road where I used to park my car lately someone is going to build an office building, so now there's no place to park, because some of drivers who parked their cars not in the parking lot (or whatever it's called) now park them there, so it's packt like sardines in a crushd tin box (c).
...Maybe I should write to my NY-resided classmate tonight, haven't got a line from him for a plenty of time.
Posted at 12:22 0 comments
24 June, 2008
Work Menace
(The title is just two words that appeared in my head.)
Have to work. Got lots to do. But can't. Couldn't. I don't know why. Maybe 'coz this is Summer. a) Summer is not for work.
Brother has an idol - Steve Pavlina, a man, who can manage his time pretty well so he is able to do lots of things. He, brother, told me not once to read that site. I visited it once, read a bit and left. I don't think that urging one's self to do work is effective. Well, at least it's not for me. I should admit, that for me the best motivation is b) deadline and c) vacation. It's no matter how many work you should do, just deadline or vacation can bring my mind to a working state. I mean, to a really working state, because I can't say that I'm doing nothing between deadlines. Just work efficiency is much more higher.
Posted at 11:06 0 comments
23 June, 2008
Редкая Алиса
Надыбал видео "Горизонт". Слова на треть отличаются от альбомных, да и музыка тоже. Еще и в живом исполнении звучит очень необычно - на альбоме больше электроники. Наверняка 90-е годы. Занятное видео. Спасибо автору, его снявшему.
Posted at 12:22 0 comments
20 June, 2008
Dif'rent Moods
Noticed that some music fits to me in wintertime, some in summertime. F'sample, Radiohead: they are more winter-ish than the other music. While such Oasis or Brainstorm are for sunny days.
Made that conclusion while reviewed my blog finding that I've listened Radiohead while it was very cold and remembering the winter before last.
Here are Brainstorm - Thunder Without Rain
Posted at 19:43 0 comments
Thunderstorm Grows Fast
Hey. It's something I want to write, but alas I dunno what :)
Well... if you dunno what to talk about better talk about weather. So, last weekend, which due to the national holiday lasted three days - including following Monday - there were heavy rains, and on Tuesday as well. Kharkiv was underwater. In lower areas of Kharkiv there were floods, because the water came down the hillsides.
On Monday I was caught by the storm while being on the dacha. I though it would be nice to go there and check if there are strawberries ripened* and yield them. But skies went really stormy while I was driving there, so we (me and Dad) decided just check berries and quickly return, but at the moment I parked my car and we went out of it the really heavy storm began and after yielding just about seven berries :))) we were running to the car and escaping quickly. But rain was heavy and car's windows went steamed up* and there was nothing I could see through them, so we were trying to wipe dry* the window, but it was generally useless.
So I crept (I cannot call it differently) on, lighting all the lights of my car. When I reached the road the window dismisTed ;) and I could drive quite normally, though the rain was still heavy.
And the next day the weather decided to drown the city about noon. Rains and floods were heavier. Transport stuck because of wetting. But storm finally stopped, though there were light rains through the rest of the day. And in the evening just before the sunset overall lighting outdoors suddenly went apocalyptically yellow.
Haha, and on the one of the streets, which is actually a slope, asphalt was just washed away*. I drove up there yesterday and it is awful...
Posted at 13:43 0 comments
21 May, 2008
Post Rock
Is it after rock? Or after what is it?
I associated the term with the music and with the picture after nuclear war - in the way I can imagine it. Everything gone, and the new life begins. New rock. New music.
Or is it a sort of 'spring' state? But yeah, it's similar. New life, new green after winter. Post winter. Post rock.
25 March, 2008
I'm only...
When I wake up early in the morning,
Lift my head, I'm still yawning
When I'm in the middle of a dream
Stay in bed, float up stream
Please don't wake me, no
don't shake me
Leave me where I am
I'm only sleeping
Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need
Please don't spoil my day
I'm miles away
And after all
I'm only sleeping
Keeping an eye on the world going by my window
Taking my time
Lying there and staring at the ceiling
Waiting for a sleepy feeling
Please don't spoil my day
I'm miles away
And after all
I'm only sleeping
Keeping an eye on the world going by my window
Taking my time
When I wake up early in the morning,
Lift my head, I'm still yawning
When I'm in the middle of a dream
Stay in bed, float up stream
Please don't wake me, no
don't shake me
Leave me where I am
I'm only sleeping
(c) The Beatles
Posted at 10:05 0 comments
10 January, 2008
Four Shores
Слушаю Brainstorm – Four Shores. О Боже, как я хочу лета! Как мне надоел этот мороз!
Four Shores был моим альбомом летом – в жару, в солнце, в такие долгожданные и прекрасные летние ливни. И сейчас, несмотря на солнечную погоду, я несчастлив. Я хочу лета. Несмотря на то, что летом убийственная жара. Но я хочу быть одетым только в свою любимую черную футболку и мокнуть под штормовыми ливнями, наслаждаться разрядами молнии, глохнуть от раскатов грома.
Альбом напоминает мне о лете. Мне больно – до лета очень далеко. Но и тепло – оно идет от этого альбома. Наверное, человек должен порой испытывать в один момент противоположные эмоции. Возможно, это делает его сильнее.
Странно. Всегда считал, что мне нужно солнце. Последнюю неделю оно есть – все дни наполнены солнцем. Но я не могу сказать, что счастлив или, хотя бы, что мне хорошо. Не хватает тепла.
Пока остается жить воспоминаниями о лете прошедшем и мечтами о лете будущем. Four Shores мне в этом поможет.
Posted at 10:03 0 comments
08 January, 2008
A Notice
Suddenly admitted that this piece of crap named Internet Explorer messes up the appearance of the blog - mainly, the quotes. So I don't know if I'm gonna fix it or not, but if you use IE just mind that quotes must be displayed in smaller font size. Sorry if your aesthetic feelings are shattered or somewhat insulted.
Update: Fixed. But mind: IE is a crap!
Posted at 14:35 0 comments
Hmm... Is this a new era? I started writing here much more than I've done last year.
Last night read The Amber Spyglass till 2 AM. Now sleepy.
Posted at 10:46 0 comments
06 January, 2008
Lost Treasures Number Three
Hiya! I've been drunk a bit today, and felt perfect! And the weather is completely terrific! The time after the slight rain, a sort of fog, nice! I love that.
Posted at 22:31 0 comments
Lost Treasures Number Two
Haa, haven't forgot.
Now it's already August.
And today I had a tremendous attack of allergy*. I was supposed to go to the store and buy some lamps, and also a mixer* for kitchen and some food. Well, I was unable to buy lamps due to allergy. I was in snot* and tears, and I don't know why the hell I finally decided to go to the store - I thought not to go when I was sneezing and blowing my nose on my way to the ISP and after it.
Tomorrow (which is, actually, today, 'coz I'm describing July, 31 at 00:13 of August, 1) I'm going to clean the flat, 'coz I haven't been doing it for ages and I think that this allergy is caused partly by the dust collected in the flat since the last cleaning. Though it's all seasonal, the allergy.
Lightnings and thunder begin. Meteorologists forecasted thunderstorms for past evening. The storms are a bit late. I hope they will be showering down at my place.
And now I finally think that I'm going to register a domain name for myself. Maybe I'd really start a blog...
P.S. Asterisked are words I peeped* in Lingvo.
Posted at 22:28 0 comments
Lost Treasures
When I gave birth to my blog idea, I wrote some posts. 'Twas in summer. But now I thought that I should publish them... At least I'll delete a file with them finally.
for 2007-07-30
It's not like the thing I'd really like or wanted to do. I always thought that writing diaries is rubbish. But I thought I coud try another time to run another one. Previous were in my childhood, when I went to school. That was feeble attemts to run a diary. After a while I dropped. Then, after a generous gap of time, I started again. Then I never thought it was stupid to run the diary, 'coz I was a child. Now I'm a man. Maybe yet not fully mature, though I'm 23 already. Maybe I'm still a child in some parts of my soul or mind. I don't know how long this attempt to run a diary will linger. Maybe tomorrow I will not remember what I do now, will forget about the diary. But now I have a desire to write down, or rather now type some words. I also thought about running an audio diary. Maybe to start a blog. But I don't know... Now I realise that I type these meaningless words just because I've got nothing to do at the moment. But why nothing? It's time to sleep - I finally fell asleep at 4 AM yesterday (which is already yesterday, 'coz now it's almost one in the morning of July, 31). I was reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows through the previous night. Well, now I realise how it's late at night comparing to yesterday's falling asleep in the morning.
Posted at 22:22 0 comments
04 January, 2008
Go Slowly
Yet another great song from Radiohead. Here's an amateur video. And lyrics below.
Over here
Come slowly
Come slowly to me
I've been waiting
I didn't
But now I can see
That there's a way out
Posted at 16:15 0 comments
Children XXI
Now I maintain a blog. Some people say that this is like to talk with self.
One man has a "A typical Bluetooth mobile phone headset" (thanks to wiki) and he talks to himself too. It seems so.
The difference is, that he may talk to himself, but he is heard to a person to whom he talks.
The common feature is, that it could be said about each of us, that each of us is talking to themselves.
And this is the XXI century. It is normal. Now it is normal, actually... And is the fact of it normal itself? Curious...
P.S. The track I listen to remains me once more, that we are Children XXI: Radiohead - Go Slowly (maybe 'll find a youtube video or smth.)...
Posted at 15:31 0 comments
Song of the Week
Couldn't help myself. Radiohead. Reckoner. Lyrics.
Can you take it with you
Disavow the pleasure
You were not to blame for
Bittersweet distractors
Dare not speak his name
Dedicated to all you
all human beings
Because we separate like
ripples on a blank shore
Because we separate like
ripples on a blank shore
Take me with you
Dedicated to all you
all human beings
Posted at 12:02 0 comments
03 January, 2008
Сold, eh?
It's damn cold!
Winter has come. Finally. With the new year. Yesterday was -15*C, no wind; today is -10*C, wind. The same thing, but maybe even worse.
I sit at my workplace in the office and becoming frozen. Windows are full of holes between them, and it is blowing from everywhere, even after I taped almost all the windows. I'm in gloves. Blimey... In the office where I worked before, there weren't windows. I thought it'd be better if they were. And now they are. Jesus...
Now tea is my airbag, it's saving me. And I should work. It's hard to when you're freezing, 'coz you think more how to get warm, not how to work.
OK, I'm gonna try to do my job...
Posted at 11:08 0 comments