24 June, 2008

Work Menace

(The title is just two words that appeared in my head.)

Have to work. Got lots to do. But can't. Couldn't. I don't know why. Maybe 'coz this is Summer. a) Summer is not for work.

Brother has an idol - Steve Pavlina, a man, who can manage his time pretty well so he is able to do lots of things. He, brother, told me not once to read that site. I visited it once, read a bit and left. I don't think that urging one's self to do work is effective. Well, at least it's not for me. I should admit, that for me the best motivation is b) deadline and c) vacation. It's no matter how many work you should do, just deadline or vacation can bring my mind to a working state. I mean, to a really working state, because I can't say that I'm doing nothing between deadlines. Just work efficiency is much more higher.

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